Dredging Case Study


J.F. Brennan is a Construction, Environmental Services, and Harbor Management company focused on providing quality services to both public and private owners of civil infrastructure. In this particular case, J.F. Brennan was dredging a quarry for rock and sand to be used in the fabrication of concrete. The job required tons of mixed-media highly-abrasive material to be pumped from the bottom of the quarry and transported to cleansing and crushing system.


During a challenging dredging application, crews were experiencing frequent pipe failure. Due to the abrasiveness of the material, pipes were wearing at an alarming rate and required replacement weekly. After extensive research, J.F. Brennan reached out to Ultra Tech for a solution. Using data from a similar challenging application in which transition to Ultra Tech Pipe resulted in an increase of wear life from 400,000 tons to 1.1 million tons, the Ultra Tech sales and engineering team developed a custom system consisting of Ultra 600 pipe and elbows. INITIAL USE CASE

Ultra 600 Pipe outlasts mild steel by 3 to 6 times. Since its inception in 1989, Ultra Tech has been a global leader in the design, manufacture, distribution and service of safe, quality abrasion resistant piping systems and accessories. Headquartered in Port Washington, Wisconsin, USA, the company offers complete piping products and solutions for both

standard and specialized high-abrasion applications, such as mining, coal fired power generation, pneumatic conveyance, foundries, steel mills and a variety of other applications. Since that time, Ultra Tech has helped customers solve thousands of abrasive wear challenges and continues to develop industry- leading advances in pipe and wear technology.


After a three week test period of using Ultra 600 product, J.F. Brennan, using an ultra sonic gauge, tested and determined that there was zero wear on the pipe. Weekly replacement was no longer necessary and the cost savings was immediately evident. The company then made plans with Ultra Tech to transition all pipe used on their dredging systems to Ultra 600 pipe and elbows. Implementation of the 8, 10, and 14 inch Ultra 600 pipe solutions was simple and proved to be incredibly effective in improving operational efficiency within their project.

“Ultra 600 should be standard on all dredges.” - Jeff, J.F. Brennan


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